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DOT - Astronomy and Space Center

Graduation Project - 2018

Mekan 2018 National Interior Architecture Student Diploma Projects Competition

First Place Award


Discovery, Observatory, Technology - Astronomy & Space Center is a school and science center that offers education programs in space, astrophysics, engineering, basic sciences and seminar programs to increase students interest in science and technology.

Guesthouse - Homeless Care Center
7th Semester Project - 2017

Guesthouse is a community center that aims to provide basic needs such as nourishment and cleaning for homeless people on a twenty-four-hour per day basis by reusing water.

3rd Year Projects

Swing - Outdoor Bench Design
6th Semester Group Project - 2017
IM2018 İnterior Architecture Student Projects Competition | Furniture Category - First Place Award

Swing is a bench, that is designed for the use of students and the faculty staff in Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts campus.

Remzi Bookstore Design & Model
5th Semester Project - 2016

Retail shop project is a 5th-semester design class project.

Microsoft - Office Design
5th Semester Project - 2016

The first class that was about spatial design in the junior year.

2nd Year Projects

Housing Design - Two-storied Villa
3rd Semester Project - 2015

Housing is the first spatial design subject in our education. Two-Storied Villa project was located in the northern part of Turkey, in a city named Giresun

Furniture Design - Library
4th Semester Project - 2016

Influx is a library design which contains a music setup inside.

1st Year Projects

Dynamo - Lighting Project
2nd Semester Project - 2014

Dynamo is a lighting design that created with two combined geometric shapes.

007 Custom Design Bicycle 
Bicycle Project - 2013

007 is a custom design bicycle.

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