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Housing Design 

Two-storied Villa

& Model

September-December / 2014

Housing is the first spatial design subject in our education. Two-Storied Villa project was located in the northern part of Turkey, in a city named Giresun. Every student had to pick an area before they started to sketch and create a user profile to shape their design approach. The project continued for one term with intensive research about the house environment and interior elements. Basic technical drawings such as sections and plans, design model in 1/50 scale, and presentation boards were expected at the end of the term. 

Skeching & Drawing

September-December / 2014

Sketch class covers different types of drawing techniques. During the class, students re-draw many furniture designs with markers, watercolors, and oil pastels. Learning basic drawing techniques in this class helps students to express their thoughts with sketching in the future projects. 

Furniture Design Library / INFLUX

February - May / 2015

Influx is a library design which contains a music setup inside. Every student had to pick a furniture subject to specify the function of their design. Library furniture was a furniture design studio project in the fourth semester. Thus, additional music setup that I wanted to put in my project shaped the design of my furniture.  

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